ASN PPPK 2021 - Soal dan Pembahasan Guru PPPK Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini merupakan Kumpulan Soal Riviu Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021. Soal PPPK SKB Guru Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021.
Modul belajar mandiri ini memberikan pengamalan belajar bagi calon guru PPPK dalam memahami teori dan konsep pembelajaran tentang Bahasa Inggris. Unduh Soal PPPK SKB Bahasa Inggris
Komponen-komponen di dalam modul belajar mandiri ini dikembangkan dengan tujuan agar calon guru PPPK dapat dengan mudah memahami materi esensial terkait english for public information, english for commucation, english for entertainment, english for practical use, english for academic context , sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi.
Pembelajaran 1: English For Public Information
1. Look at the picture below.

This notice can be placed in the...
a. park
b. canteen
c. laboratory
d. rest area
The correct answer is: laboratory
2. The picture above is an example of poster. In your opinion, what is the function of the poster?

a. To promote an event
b. To engage viewers
c. To provide information of an event
d. To grab attention of people
The correct answer is: To promote an event
3. There are five types of notice. One of those is information notice. Choose the correct statement that provides an information notice.
a. Beware of Pickpockets
b. For Staff Only
c. No Parking
d. Slow Down
The correct answer is: For Staff Only
4. What function does this Fishbone diagram provide?

a. providing solutions of a certain problem
b. escribing steps of conducting a program
c. comparing and contrasting two concepts
d. presenting causes and effects of a certain issue
The correct answer is: presenting causes and effects of a certain issue
5. What is the main function of hierarchical infographics...

a. to visualize the history of something
b. to provide a summary/ overview of steps in process
c. to share a collection of tips
d. to arrange information from greatest to least
The correct answer is: to arrange information from greatest to least
6. Which of the following social functions for using graphic organizers help learners add or alter their background knowledge?

a. tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
b. tools for critical and creative thinking
c. tools for self-learning
d. tools for organizing information
The correct answer is: tools for organizing information
7. What can you infer from the following infographic?

a. If you are good at arts, you might use your right brain more often than the left one.
b. Both left and right brain hemispheres are controlling the analytical skills.
c. Mathematical ability relates strongly to the function of the right brain.
d. We tend to use our left brain if our hobby is playing musical instruments.
The correct answer is: If you are good at arts, you might use your right brain more often than the left one.
Read other questions : Soal dan Jawaban Pembelajaran 1: English For Public Information