Labuhan Haji Islamic Boarding School, South Aceh Regency is home to the largest and oldest Islamic education center in Aceh, the oldest missionary and community service in Aceh.
This pesantren was founded by a charismatic grand scholar, Syeh Mudawaly Al-qalidi, this is recognized as one of the pesantren which has given birth to many figures and scholars as well as its students who have spread all over the world, with a good educationtaught about monotheism also tasauf has historical roots also has its own peculiarities.
This pesantren still stands strong and gives birth to many generations of the quran, also experts on the book. This is proven by many of the charismatic clerics in Aceh such as Abu Tumin and others.
still adheres to the teachings taught by Syeh Muda Wali, making this pesantren still one of the favorite boarding schools for parents to send their children to study here.
not only come from Aceh, many students who study here come from outside Aceh. Some even come from abroad.
from this, all students were nurtured and taught how to prepare themselves to become scholars who have scientific integrity, amaliah and perfect khuluqiyah, no time to be lazy if they come to study religion here. everything has been arranged in such a way, starting from morning until night all the students and female students wrestle and memorize memorization.

Labuhanhaji Islamic Boarding School-South Aceh was established in 1940, and is now more than 70 years old.
shaykh H. Muda Waly Al-Khalidy, an 'ulama' of allama with noble aspirations, who wants to spread the teachings of Islam.
Teaching the yellow book recitation. educated as human beings with morality and a broad knowledge of knowledge so that in the future spread the message of Islam throughout the earth.
Let's take a peek at the activities of the students at the Darussalam Labuhan Hajj Islamic Boarding School !
The disciples were educated there for the development of their religious knowledge
They study there for the benefit of the nation and state.
Development of religious Sciences is restored there.
Lots of qualified graduates to educate the nation.
These are the booths or bedrooms as long as they are in Boarding School.
Simple building for simple people and students. both simple in attitude, work, economy and also simple in behavior.